Thursday, September 20, 2007

Email Forwards 2

Received this in email...if you want you can pass it along.

"Thought for the day"

Handle every situation like a dog.
If you can't eat it or hump it.
Piss on it and walk away.

Email Forwards

A few cute photos that were sent to me in email, titled "My owner is retarded" (lol)
Pass this along if you want to.

Weight Loss Tips

Put those snacks in a bowl.
One of the things that helped me lose weight after I had my son was putting things in a bowl. What I mean is, don't eat snacks out of a bag. EVER. Put some in a small bowl. You don't have to cut out all the 'evil' food...just limit yourself. And let's face it, if you are hankering for a snack while watching tv at night, you can go through a bag of those chips without even realizing it.

Have a rewards day.
Another one that worked well for me is have a rewards day. What I mean is set aside one day out of the week when you can have that sweet snack. You don't have to cut everything out altogether. Just don't overdo it.

Drink a lot of water. Yes, that 8 glasses a day. It does help. Not only does it flush out your system but it helps you not feel so 'empty' all the time.

I guess the key here is moderation. Don't overdo it. Just don't deny yourself those sweet goodies either. You'll just end up being frustrated and saying screw it.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Wordless Wednesday

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Things around the house you can use for cat toys

Don't bother running out to your favorite pet store to buy your kitten expensive toys. Believe me, they can't tell the difference. If anything, kittens will play with the package the toy comes in rather than the toy itself.

I may not be a cat expert but I have grown up with cats. In fact, I can't remember a time that there wasn't a cat around.

So I've picked up a few things along the way. Ideas for cat toys. I'm going to share them with you, but be warned: use common sense. PLEASE. These things worked for my cats but this doesn't necessarily mean they will work for yours.

  • The cap from any shampoo bottle (clean well first)
  • Twist ties from loafs of bread (I save mine and twine them together. 3 or 4 work well.)
  • Crumpled up peace of paper (yes, just crumple it up into a ball and throw it up in the air)
  • Shoe String (this is a common one)
  • An empty box (soda can boxes, shoe boxes. They love playing in them.)
  • An empty pen (take the inside part out)
  • A sock (my cat loves to play with socks)
  • A tampon (not used...ugh, don't be sick. But seriously, my cat loves to play with tampons.)
  • Wooden spoon (ok, this does seem strange, but my cat loves to play with a wooden spoon.)
  • Drop paper (rip off a tiny piece of paper, toilet paper works well, and hold it up high over your cat. Tap your forefinger on the paper 3 times, getting the cat's attention, then let it fall)
If you have any to add feel free to add them. Plus don't forget, you know your cat and what it can or cannot play with. These have all worked for mine but might not work with yours. Keep that in mind.